86 SCA /  fruity taste of pear and aloe with caramel, very juicy, nice acidity, creamy body
District: El Tabaco community, El Cuá, Jinotega-Nicaragua
Altitude: 1050 masl
Processing: washed
Varietal: Sarchimor
Processing: natural
Area: 1.5 ha

El Progreso (10.5ha) and Linda Vista (1.5ha) coffee farms are managed by Salomon Chavarria and his sons Norlan and Uriel, representatives of the third and fourth generation of coffee farmers. Both farms are situated at 1050 masl in El Tabaco community, El Cuá, Jinotega, Nicaragua.

The farms were established by Benito Chavarria, great-grandfather of Norlan and Uriel. For Chavarria family, coffee represents culture and tradition.

Planted with Sarchimor, the farms share a wet processing mill and use three methods of coffee processing: natural, honey and washed. Chavarria’s farms were one of the first farms in the region offering specialty coffee and experimenting with processing methods other than washed processing. 

Over the years, Uriel has become a cup taster in dry mills. Using knowledge acquired in coffee labs, Uriel seeks to make their specialty coffee a cornerstone of their profitable farming business.

While Norlan and Salomon manage the farming side of their business, Uriel looks after the quality. Together, they create a dynamic work team that oversees the entire coffee processing chain up to deliveries to roasters.  

Linda Vista Farm, whose name derives from the beautiful view, serves as a lab for experiments to be replicated on a large scale in El Progreso Farm.

Salomon Chavarria, has named his farm “El Progreso” because he believes that no matter how hard the world of coffee gets, there is always an opportunity for a coffee farmer. Their goal for the future is to establish their own cupping lab.

 They are curious about controlled fermentation process that they can replicate anytime.

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