Coffee Embassy EU is a team of dedicated professionals from Prague (Czech Republic) who take coffee seriously, thoroughly and in a wide context. We are deeply committed to all aspects of coffee, ranging from coffee quality, to environmental, social and other consequences and conditions.

We have been engaged in coffee business for more than twenty years. Since our initiating trip to Ethiopia, we have been gathering experience in various areas of the business, including as a roastery and café – mamacoffee and in close cooperation with coffee farmers. In 2012 we found Prague Coffee Festival to promote several topics connected to specialty coffee. We are grateful to Czech Development Agency which supported our projects.

Since 2000 people from the team visited many coffee-growing countries and have been witnesses of various approaches to coffee cultivation as well as to people who make their living growing coffee. And we have decided to pursue the most direct way of doing the coffee business that is achievable in each country where we operate.

Today, we operate in three coffee destinations including Nicaragua, Uganda and Brazil.

We primarily pursue these goals:

Ethical & social

  • long term partnerships based on equal relationship
  • know-how transfer about farming, processing and marketing
  • coffee quality awareness education, cupping trainings
  • prohibition of child labour
  • connection between the world of final customers and farmers, meeting the expectations
  • equality – supporting women farmers to have equal business conditions
  • investing in little improvements for the local communities
  • cooperation with farmers who respect the labour rights of their employees

Sustainable & ecological

  • sustainable crop management
  • biodiversity of the coffee farms, intercropping with other cash crops (Nicaragua, Brazil, Uganda)
  • water management – waste water from coffee processing, irrigation from the rain water, mulching, landslide prevention (Nicaragua, Brazil)
  • waste treatment – composting of organic matter, control of the dangerous waste management
  • organic pest prevention experiments  (Nicaragua)

Coffee Embassy EU is aiming to build equal partnerships and connect the distant worlds of  farmers and consumers. We would like to build own experimental farms at each destination to move the coffee research forward. Each experimental farm should serve as a research hub in coffee farming and processing, as an educational center and as a meeting point between farmers and the roasteries.

We are looking for partners among the roasteries who share similar values and would be interested in joining the projects and help us develop the projects in bigger scale. 

Would like to try a sample or join us for the projects- drop us line!

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